1845, August 10 - was born in the tract Zhidebay of Chingiz parish, Semipalatinsk district (now Abay district of East Kazakhstan region) in the family of the senior sultan Kunanbay Oskenbayev from the Tobykty family and his second wife Ulzhan from the Shanshar family, originating from the Karakesek tribe;
1855-1857- learning to read and write from a local Mullah;
1854- at the age of 9, he wrote his first satirical work "Who is who?"(9 years old);
1855-1858 - study at the madrasa of Mullah Akhmet Riza in Semipalatinsk (now Semey, East Kazakhstan region), and visit a Russian parish school.
During that period, he studied Arabic, Persian and Turkish, met and studied the works of the classics of the East - Navoi, Nizami, Saadi, Jami, Hafiz, Firdousi, etc.;
1858-1859 - imitating the classics of Eastern poetry creates a poetic work "Iuzy – raushan, kozi – gaukhar";
1858- performs the duties of assistant to his father, biy and volost administrator - senior sultan Kunanbai Oskenbayev;
1861- marriage to Dilda, birth of a son Akylbay;
1865-1873 - elected candidate (assistant) of parish steward Kudayberdy Kunanbayev, and then the steward of Kuchuk-Tabachenko parish;
1870- meets E.P. Michaelis in the Semipalatinsk library;
1874- marriage to Aigerim;
1875 - the birth of a son Turagul;
1875-1878 - elected as a parish steward in Konyr-koksha (Konyr-Kokchinskaya parish, Mukyr land);
1870-1880 - meets political exiles - E. P. Michaelis, I. I. Dolgopolov, A. A. Leontiev, S. S. Gross, future friends of Abay;
1885- participation in the work of the extraordinary сongress of representatives of the Middle zhuz families in Kara-Mola under the chairmanship of the Governor-General Tseklinsky and the creation of the "Code for ordinary Kazakhs" or "Karamolinsky Charter" in Arabic; Father's death.
1886 - on the recommendation of E. P. Michaelis, Abay was elected a full member of the Semipalatinsk regional statistical Committee;
In the same year, Abay wrote the poem "Zhaz" ("Summer"), the first poetic work of Abai, which was published in print. It was published three years later in a Special Supplement to the "Akmola Regional Statements" signed by a close friend and student of Abay, Kokbay Zhanatayuly;
1882-1888 - the creation of poetic works: «Қансонарда бүркітші шығады аңға» ("At the first newly-fallen snow a hunter with a golden eagle goes hunting", 1882); «Қалың елім, қазағым, қайран жұртым» ("Oh, Kazakhs, my poor people," 1886), «Сегіз аяқ» ("Octave", 1888), «Айттым салем, Қаламқас» ("Greetings, Kalamkas...", 1888) , etc.;
1886-1898 - translates works of classics of Russian and Western European literature into Kazakh - A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, I. A. Krylov, Schiller, Goethe, Byron, Heine, Mickiewicz;
1887-1889 - wrote the poems "Masgud", "The Legend of Azim", "Iskander";
1890-1898 - philosophical cycle "The Book of Words" ("Gakliya"), the poem "When the shadow becomes long...", "Spring";
1895 - death of a son Abdrakhman (Abisha) from tuberculosis;
1904, 14 may - death of a son Magauiya (Magisha) from tuberculosis;
1904, July 6 - death of Abay, he was buried in the Zhidebay winter quarters.
1905, December 25 - obituary of A. Bukeikhanov in the newspaper "Semipalatinskiy listok";
1909 - the first collection of works by Abay Kunanbayev edited by Kakitay Iskakov was published in the printing house of Iliyas Boragansky in St. Petersburg. 120 pages, in Kazakh language in Arabic font: Poems of a Kazakh poet Ibrahim Kunanbayev [Text] / edited By K. Iskakov. - Saint Petersburg, 1909. - 120 s.
1913 - the newspaper "Qazaq" published Akhmet Baitursynov's article about Abay Kunanbayev "Qazaqtyn bas akyny";
1914, January 26 - representatives of the Semipalatinsk geographical society organized a literary evening dedicated to Abay Kunanbayev;
1918 - the first issue of the magazine "Abay" (in Semipalatinsk) was published, which was initiated and implemented by M. Auezov and Zh. Aimauytov;
1922 - reissue of the first collection of works by Abay Kunanbayev in the printing houses of Kazan and Tashkent;
1933 - the complete works of Abay edited by M. Auezov were published in Alma-Ata. Abay tolyk zhinagy. – Almaty, 1933. – 348 b. (The complete works of Abay. – Almaty, 1933. – 348 p.)
1940, December 16 - opening of the Abay's literary-memorial museum in Semipalatinsk (now Semey, East Kazakhstan region) dedicated to the poet's 95th anniversary;
1845 - the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev's birth and naming after the great poet the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in Alma-Ata (nowadays SAOB named after Abay);
1942 - M. Auezov published the first book of the novel "Abay";
1947 - M. Auezov published the second book of the novel "Abay";
1948 - publication of M. Auezov's book "Abay" in Russian;
1949, 1959 - Mukhtar Auezov received the Stalin and Lenin prizes for the novel "The Way of Abay";
1995 - celebration of the Abay Kunanbayev's 150th anniversary under the auspices of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization);
2014 - presentation of the electronic library "Our Abay" of the East Kazakhstan regional library named after A.S. Pushkin.
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